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Here is my listings for commission work! If you want your own personalised soundtrack. Here is the place to go:












Soundtrack Commissions:

Here is the breakdown of what options there are. Whether you want a full soundtrack to yourself, just one song or even intro music personalised for your YouTube account. Enjoy!

With this option you get 10 tracks. This gives you 10 separate music tracks which can be of any style or genre to your liking. Each track can be between 1-4 minutes long. Included in this option, you get the exclusive "New Comer Bonus". Which means if you promote my commissions to a friend, you get an extra track free!


With this option you get 5 tracks. This gives you 5 separate music tracks which can be of any style or genre to your liking. Each track can be between 1-4 minutes long.


With this option you get 1 track. This gives you 1 piece of music which can be suited to any genre or style that suits your needs! Each track can be between 1-4 minutes long.


With this option you get an original opening theme tune. This gives you a 30-45 second opening piece of music which will accompany an opening title card or sequence. In any style or genre to suit the piece you're creating! 


With this option you get an original opening and closing theme tune. This gives you a 30-45 second opening piece of music and 45s - 1m closing theme tune which will accompany an opening/closing title card or sequence. In any style or genre to suit the piece you're creating!


With this option you get a YouTube intro track. This gives you a 10 second piece of music which will accompany your YouTube opening video. This option will give your channel its own distinct and unique quality unlike most on the block! In any style or genre to suit the piece you're creating!


With this option you get a new variation on any piece you've commissioned me for. This gives you the chance to hear an original made track in a new style. Want it to turn your action track into a slower and more thoughtful piece? Done. Orchestral to synth? Let's give it a go. All for a bargain price!


Digital Art Commissions

Would you like your own custom thumbnail or a poster for your film projects? Well here you go:


If you want your own video and thumbnail template for your projects. For just £3 you can get a custom border which you can place over your own thumbnails.


YouTube Video Border.png


Want a poster for your film or audio project? Well for just £8 I can create a poster for you. Whether that's in landscape or in portrait. 


Tennant Walking Out The Factory.png



The 'New Comer Bonus' is accessible for the £100 purchase, where in if you manage to get a friend to commission me for soundtrack, you get an additional track for free! Meaning you get more tracks and I get more commissions. Sounds like a win win to me!


Summer offer! Until August 25th you can get an opening theme tune and 5 tracks for just £25 in a bundle! Opening themes can last up to a minute and standard tracks can last up to 4 minutes


So you're interested in my commission work? Here are how they will be conducted and the rules to remember!


1) The website has no direct way to purchase the commissions. It is all entirely email based. So you don't have to rush into anything. Just send me an email at: and tell me what option you'd be interested in and we can go from there.


2) When I send you the finished version of the track. That's not the end of the process. If you'd like the track tweaking, I allow for up to 2 reworks per track to make sure it's where it needs to be. Now I can't make that an infinite number because then that's time on my part and by effect, money. But don't feel like my first draft is the definite version! It's your tracks, so you need to be happy!


3) I DO NOT offer a refund system. Music takes time to make and I have had people half way through a 10 track commission ask for all their money back and my policy is... I won't waste your time or money and so don't waste mine.


4) I will have two SPECIAL OFFERS running at one time. One where it will end once the requirements are met, IE: 'New Comer Bonus' and one which will time based, IE: 'Full Production'. They will be going on a cycle of every four months! So if you're interested. Drop me an email asap!


5) My commissions operate on a slot based system. So if you're interested in getting some music for your original production or just for your channel. Get your name down as once the slots are full you'll have to join a waiting queue!


6) I do not do commissions for remixes and recreations of copyrighted content. All my commissions are original work only as I don't have the rights to anything that is copyrighted.


7) If you have soundtracks however that you'd like me to take inspiration from or there is a specific sound that you'd want emulated. Feel free to send references and suggestions via YouTube links!

Get Your Commission Now!

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